New Mission Update!

From official CP blog:

Hey Agents!

You’ve been asking and we promised you some more info about the new mission! In a couple months, you’ll be using your Penguin Secret Agency skills again to try and stop a very determined Herbert…


What do you think he’s planning this time? Look for more mission news in a few weeks.

In the meantime, you can practice your agent skills by doing the previous missions – and continue to keep the island safe. If you’re not an agent yet, if your penguin is 30 days old, you can click the M at the top right of your screen. Then click the button that says: “Become a Secret Agent”. You’ll get to take a quiz to apply.

Until then…Waddle on!

~Club Penguin Rockz 101 Team

New Author!

Hey penguins, it’s Blueprince15 here and as some of you may know CPRockz101 needed 1 more staff member… Well WE GOT ANOTHER STAFF MEMBER!!!!!!!! =D She is pretty well known on Club Penguin and her name is: Lilbeclil so you might see some of her posts every now and again! So enjoy the rest of the site and thanks for visiting! =)

~Club Penguin Rockz 101 Team~Blueprince15

We have support banners!

Hey penguins, I know that you all have been waiting to support Club Penguin Rockz 101 right?? O.o well now you can! We now have support banners!!!!!! So if you wanna see them please go to the “SUPPORT” page! Hope you like them


Banner 1:

1,000 Hits Party & Rockhopper is Back!

Hey penguins, If you look at the Blog Stats every time you visit this site you will see that we are almost to 1,000 hits =D and when we actually get to 1,000 hits I am gonna throw a HUGE PARTY!!!!!!!!!! So look below for the invite VV INVITE VV

Well, today I was in my favourite area of the Puffle Party – the Beacon – and I happened to look in the telescope and I saw that Rockhopper is returning! Woo hoo. Rockhopper usually comes in February and he came this time last year. Well, take a look what you can see through the telescope…

Cool, right? I can’t wait for Rockhopper to come. Hopefully, he’ll have a new background as he hasn’t had a new one in ages. Maybe, Rockhopper is coming to announce the Orange Puffle that is going to be released on Friday.

What do you think? Comment us your ideas.

Orange Puffle Has Arrived!

Hello Penguins!

So many of you’ve been talking about the orange puffle and they’re finally ready for adoption at the Pet Shop! Starting today you can take ’em back to your igloo!

I’ve talked to the team and they’re telling me that this new furry creature’s totally unique and full of surprises. We’d love to hear your orange puffle stories if you have any!

In other news, Rockhopper’s in view from the telescope at the top of the Lighthouse – I wonder what our favorite pirate’s going to be bringing?

Until then…Waddle on!

Screenhog on Puffle Design

Hi everyone, it’s Screenhog!

It’s the time of year when we honor the island’s best pets – puffles. Way back when Club Penguin first launched, there weren’t any puffles at all. But a lot of you asked to have some kind of pet to adopt and we decided to make up a completely new creature. That’s how the puffle came to be. Actually, you guys even decided on the name “puffle”!

Last year we showed a couple of the original sketches back from November 2005 when artists first started sketching what a penguin’s pet might look like – we wanted to show some of those again (in case you missed them) plus a few more that have never been seen before.


What do you think?

Hey, if you had the chance to design a make-believe pet, what would it be like?

Reviewed by you!

From the official CP blog
Hello penguins!

The new Snow & Sports catalog comes out on Thursday! We asked what sports you and your friends like playing most around the island and Wurmpul said:

I play sports with all my buddies we do soccer,ice hockey,football, and sometimes basketball mostly our teams our red and blue but sometimes we go crazy using green and black. When we get tired we go to my igloo for some penguinade then jump right back up for some more.

Lots of you have spotted Rockhopper in the telescope and it looks like he’ll be arriving in Club Penguin next week!! So we’d like to know – what do you like doing to welcome him to the island? Do you throw parties at the Beach, dress up, talk like a pirate – or something else?

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We’ll post one (50 – 75 words please) in next week’s Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week’s blog, we’ll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don’t forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Puffle Party!

From the official CP blog
Hello Penguins!
The Puffle Party is still going strong for a few more days, and I hope you and your puffles are having a blast! I got a kick out of the Puffle Show, with the Puffle Grooming station and all the races going on. What did you think of it?


Some of you may have noticed that the party was launched earlier than expected last week. This was part of our new earlier launch times that I mentioned last Tuesday.

This week, things will be happening a little earlier than usual again. The Puffle Party will be wrapping up on Thursday morning Penguin Standard Time, and the new Sports Catalog will be launching then too. It also means a special surprise will be arriving early at the Pet Shop…

Wednesday surprise.jpg

So make sure to enjoy the Puffle Party while it’s here, and let us know what your favorite parts were!

CPRockz101’s First Party!

Hey penguins! As you know the 2010 Club Penguin puffle party has ended sadly 😦 but the Club Penguin Rockz 101 Staff is not ready to stop partying!!! So we are hosting a party sometime soon (Blueprince15’s Birthday is coming soon also) all of the CPRockz101 staff will be there, we will come out with all of the details very soon but until then come and chat with us on our chat group >> or just go to the ChAtRoOm page, maybe even play a little Club Penguin! Well stay tuned because the party is coming very soon!

~Club Penguin Rockz 101 Team

Puffle Toys!

Copied from official CP blog:

Hello Penguins!

The Puffle Party’s in full swing and it looks like you’re having fun with your pets! We’ve heard from some of you that you’ve spotted a furry orange creature in a box somewhere… And we’ve been seeing you try to lure it out by turning orange and offering it food. Good luck getting that puffle to come out!!

Lots of you have told us that you like the puffle toys, so we wanted to give you some info about new ones. This is from our Series #4 Pet Puffles:

Picture 7.png

What do you think? Along with puffles, there’s more new stuff coming – including Limited Edition Penguins and Mix ‘N Match figures! The toys are coming soon to a bunch of places including Disney Stores, Toys “R” Us, Target, and the CP Online Shop.

Don’t forget to send in your photos because they could make it onto the Penguins Around the World gallery – we always love to see your creativity!

Until then… Waddle on!

~CPRockz101 Team