


Hey Penguins! Blueprince15 here and sadly the month of March is gone also it is very very sad that we didn’t get any contest entries… 😦 So this month we wanna try to get atleast 1 contest entry in! Did I mention that the prize for the winner of each contest is a free CODE to a puffle, card jitsu cards, or a penguin. So anyways we are going into the month of April so april is mostly rainy right?? Well up here in Canada it’s really rainy so thi month’s contest will be about ANYTHING you can make a video, animated photo, picture, anything that you want because their is mostly no rain in Club Penguin to have anything to do with the month of April so just do the best that you can! To enter your contest entry please comment on this page with the LINK of your contest entry, please make sure that you put your Club Penguin Username somewhere on your contest entry so no-one else can take your work… We want your entry to be as safe and as fair as possible 🙂 so good luck everyone and I can’t wait to see all of your entries!!!!!!!!!! 😉


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