Club Penguin Times Issue #232!

Hello Penguins,

Yippiee Doo! The Club Penguin Time is finally out on Club Penguin. There are lots of things happening in this Issue. The Penguin Play Awards are in full swing and did I hear that the April Fool’s Day party is coming soon? Take a look.

I can’t wait for that April Fool’s Day party. It’s going to rock. More information on that later. For now, shall we turn our attention to the Penguin Play Awards?

Penguin Play Awards:

Have you seen the Stage recently? If not, you are missing out on the most star-studded event of the year, the Penguin Play Awards. This event is amazing where you get to vote for your favourite play. Look.

Pretty cool, right? If you’d like to vote for your favourite play go to the Plaza. Then, click on the Voting Booth. I voted for the Underwater Adventure play because it’s my favourite. Also, Cadence – K-Dance – will be making special appearances at the Stage. You don’t want to miss out on that!

April Fools Day:

The wackiest party will be coming to the island of Club Penguin very soon. That’s right, the April Fools Day party will be coming! Now, if you are new to this party, do not be worried if the Forest is turned upside down or the Iceberg turns into an actual Ice Cube. It’s all for fun. Take a look.

That’s it really. So, don’t be alarmed, okaay? I remember when I came to my first April Fools Day party. I went to the Dojo and I could walk on walls. I was like ‘What The Fridge?’ Enjoy this party, it’ll be a blast.

Underground Caves Here To Stay:

Recently, the Underground Caves have been opened and it looks like they might be here to stay. Lots of penguins have gotten their Rescue Gear on to help save Puffles and put on their hard hats to help out. Take a look.

Woo hoo. I am so happy that the Underground Caves are here to stay. I love going into the Hidden Lake and the Underwater Room. It’s my favourite new place on Club Penguin.

Upcoming Events:

Lots of things coming up soon. New Igloo Music and a New Pin today. Next Thursday will be the April Fools Party and a New Clothing Catalog. I can’t wait for the April Fools Party, can you?

Thanks for Reading Penguins.

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