blueprince15’s First Club Penguin Movie

Hello Penguins,
Blueprince15 here and I am getting ready to make my very first movie on Club Penguin!!!!! It will be posted to my Youtube channel after I get done with it… But I need some Actors (guys) and Actresses (girls) to help me with my movie! I am looking foward to the movie being NO longer than 10 Mins. so please comment with your penguin name… The movie is called: Journey Of The Ice, It is about 5 friends that are just hanging out on the Beacon one day and one of the friends (possibly an ACTOR) jumps off of the side of the beacon, and he/she lands on something really hard, cold, and wet. So that’s a little bit of it I will be coming out with the Script soon but first look at the flier and comment with your Club penguin username and I will email you with my email ( please comment if you would like to be an Actor or Actress in my new movie Journey Of The Ice.
(The movie will start filming sometime in the begginning of MAY 2010, make sure all Actors/Actresses have some free time in MAY… The movie premiere will be in JULY 2010, and it will premiere on Youtube at the very end of July)

2 Responses

  1. Remember to leave comments with your username on CP and tell if you are a guy or if you are a girl! 🙂
    Thanks for your support their is a example below if you want to know what it should look like 😉

  2. EXAMPLE: (Please copy and paste this into your comment so everyone will have the same application.)

    USERNAME: (your username)

    GENDER: (boy or girl)

    (If you want to write a short Fan-Letter to me, or tell me something that you would like to have in the movie.)

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