Sorry For the Delays

Hey Penguins,

         Blueprince15 here and i am terribly sorry about all of the missing posts and all of the delays on the site… It’s because my internet got cut off for about 1 whole month because my parents didn’t get the cable bill until the month after the internet got cut off. So ofcourse I started FREAKING OUT because I’m a total computer nerd LOL so, yeah I have been suffering from not being able to get online for a few weeks… 😦 But now I am BIB (Back In Buissness) So please keep visiting Club Penguin Rockz 101!!! Thanks so much for all the support.


My Freaking Out List

  • Faint
  • Go Absolutly Crazy
  • Go outside and Scream
  • Cry
  • Make Graphics and then save to computer
  • Stay calm
  • Tweet on Twitter with mom’s cell
  • Get back Online!!!!!


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