April Fools Party Update

Hello Penguins!

It’s coming fast – the annual April Fool’s Party happens in Club Penguin starting April 1st! The team’s been working to make lots of funny things all over the island. There’ll be jokes – some practical and some not – and loads of surprises. Also, members will be able to check out an area where they’ll have the chance to show off their joke telling skills…

What are you and your friends looking forward to most at the party?

By the way, the team wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who voted at the Penguin Play Awards! Check out the winner of Best Play – Quest for the Golden Puffle – now on at the Stage.

Until then…Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

The Penguin play Results are in!

Hello Penguins,

The Penguin Play Awards have come to an end. Many of you voted your little penguin hearts out for your favourite Play. Well, the time has come to see the winner of the Penguin Play Awards. The winning Play was…

The Quest for the Golden Puffle. Yay [Sarcasim]. Why does this play always win? It won last year and it won this year. I really wanted Underwater Adventure to win as it was by far the best. Anywho, let’s take a look at the Play.

Pretty cool, right? I mean the picture, not the Play. Joking. This play is good, I just think that another play should of won. Anywho, with a new play there is a new catalog. Look at the front cover.

Funky monkey, right? Want to know the cheats, course ‘ya do.

  • To Get The Crook & Fail, Click The Golden Puffle – Page 3.

That’s it. Lol. Well, I hope you will enjoy this Play. I’ll try to. Comment on what play you think should of won, or if you thought this play won fairly

Club Penguin Times Issue #232!

Hello Penguins,

Yippiee Doo! The Club Penguin Time is finally out on Club Penguin. There are lots of things happening in this Issue. The Penguin Play Awards are in full swing and did I hear that the April Fool’s Day party is coming soon? Take a look.

I can’t wait for that April Fool’s Day party. It’s going to rock. More information on that later. For now, shall we turn our attention to the Penguin Play Awards?

Penguin Play Awards:

Have you seen the Stage recently? If not, you are missing out on the most star-studded event of the year, the Penguin Play Awards. This event is amazing where you get to vote for your favourite play. Look.

Pretty cool, right? If you’d like to vote for your favourite play go to the Plaza. Then, click on the Voting Booth. I voted for the Underwater Adventure play because it’s my favourite. Also, Cadence – K-Dance – will be making special appearances at the Stage. You don’t want to miss out on that!

April Fools Day:

The wackiest party will be coming to the island of Club Penguin very soon. That’s right, the April Fools Day party will be coming! Now, if you are new to this party, do not be worried if the Forest is turned upside down or the Iceberg turns into an actual Ice Cube. It’s all for fun. Take a look.

That’s it really. So, don’t be alarmed, okaay? I remember when I came to my first April Fools Day party. I went to the Dojo and I could walk on walls. I was like ‘What The Fridge?’ Enjoy this party, it’ll be a blast.

Underground Caves Here To Stay:

Recently, the Underground Caves have been opened and it looks like they might be here to stay. Lots of penguins have gotten their Rescue Gear on to help save Puffles and put on their hard hats to help out. Take a look.

Woo hoo. I am so happy that the Underground Caves are here to stay. I love going into the Hidden Lake and the Underwater Room. It’s my favourite new place on Club Penguin.

Upcoming Events:

Lots of things coming up soon. New Igloo Music and a New Pin today. Next Thursday will be the April Fools Party and a New Clothing Catalog. I can’t wait for the April Fools Party, can you?

Thanks for Reading Penguins.

New Music!

Hello Penguins,

Are you bored of the Igloo Music? Well, Club Penguin has updated the music. Woo hoo. I love finding out what new music they have instore for us each month, don’t you? Take a look at the new music.

If you can’t see the image, the new music is:

  • Puffle Rescue: Ice Flow
  • Recycle!
  • Anchovy Jazz

Awesome, right? It’s strange that Club Penguin only released 2 new Igloo Music than 4, but they still rock. Which ones your favourite? Mine is the Anchovy Jazz. Comment your ideas.

blueprince15’s First Club Penguin Movie

Hello Penguins,
Blueprince15 here and I am getting ready to make my very first movie on Club Penguin!!!!! It will be posted to my Youtube channel after I get done with it… But I need some Actors (guys) and Actresses (girls) to help me with my movie! I am looking foward to the movie being NO longer than 10 Mins. so please comment with your penguin name… The movie is called: Journey Of The Ice, It is about 5 friends that are just hanging out on the Beacon one day and one of the friends (possibly an ACTOR) jumps off of the side of the beacon, and he/she lands on something really hard, cold, and wet. So that’s a little bit of it I will be coming out with the Script soon but first look at the flier and comment with your Club penguin username and I will email you with my email (BlueprinceCP101@aol.com) please comment if you would like to be an Actor or Actress in my new movie Journey Of The Ice.
(The movie will start filming sometime in the begginning of MAY 2010, make sure all Actors/Actresses have some free time in MAY… The movie premiere will be in JULY 2010, and it will premiere on Youtube at the very end of July)

DJ Cadence Update!

Hey Penguins,

       Blueprince15 here and guess what… I MET DJ CADENCE TODAY!!!!!!! I just got off of CP like an hour ago and I spent about 5 hours on Club Penguin Trackers trying to find DJ Cadence and Aunt Arctic. Well I found Cadence but I am still searching for aunt arctic also tommorrow (March 28, 2010) I am hosting a HUGE Club Penguin Celeberties Party and hopefully DJ Cadence or Aunt Arctic will show up I am not posting any timezones because the party will last all day long so look at the details below 🙂

VV Details VV

Blueprince15’s Celeberties Party

Server: Mammoth

Time: All Day Long

Place: Club Penguin ~ Stage & Backstage

Host: Blueprince15

Blueprince15’s April Fools Party!!!

Hello Penguins,

            Some of you may say that i’m copying Dupple but I am really not this is my first party that will be dedicated to all my fans… So anyways this April Fools Party is gonna RULE!!! I am not clever enough to figure out the time zones and all that stuff so my party will be exactly after Dupple’s party so after Dupple’s is over just follow me and then my party will be kicked off. Let me also mention if you come to my party you will be featured for 1 full week that means you will have your own “Button” dedicated to represent you and only you… So if you are the lucky winner of that, that’s gonna be your prize! Ok well I guess your tired of me talking now so continue to waddle on ;]


Dupple’s April Fools Day Party!!!

Hello Penguins,
If you read Dupple’s site every hour like I do you will know that he is hosting an April Fools Party :] And it is my job as one of his best friends to invite all of you, my viewers!!! So take a look at what Dupple has to say below VV Dupple’s Message VV

I know I had a party today, but I want to have it so that everybody can come and I don’t have to change times. So…? Are you ready to part-ay? Well, come to Dupple’s Wacky April Fools Day Party! It’s going to be the wackiest party ever! Want to find out when it is? Look below.

Awesome, right? Now…as lots of my lovely fans live in different places around the Globe, I put together a little time chart. Take a look.

When It’s 10:00AM PST, It Is:

1:00PM EST
12:00PM CST
11:00AM MST
10:00AM PST
5:00PM UK
3:00AM Australia (Sunday)
Pretty cool, right? Now as I love you guys, I am going to give away a Series 7 Coin Code. This is no ordinary giveaway. You can not copy and paste the code. Now, Mr. Box here isn’t very happy and will only release his code at 12:00PM PST – 12:30PM PST on Saturday.

Well, I hope you will have fun with my party and my givaway. Remember to comment if you can come. See ‘ya there.

Sorry For the Delays

Hey Penguins,

         Blueprince15 here and i am terribly sorry about all of the missing posts and all of the delays on the site… It’s because my internet got cut off for about 1 whole month because my parents didn’t get the cable bill until the month after the internet got cut off. So ofcourse I started FREAKING OUT because I’m a total computer nerd LOL so, yeah I have been suffering from not being able to get online for a few weeks… 😦 But now I am BIB (Back In Buissness) So please keep visiting Club Penguin Rockz 101!!! Thanks so much for all the support.


My Freaking Out List

  • Faint
  • Go Absolutly Crazy
  • Go outside and Scream
  • Cry
  • Make Graphics and then save to computer
  • Stay calm
  • Tweet on Twitter with mom’s cell
  • Get back Online!!!!!


New Club Penguin Series 7 Treasure Book!

Club Penguin has just released a brand new Treasure Book that is available! The new Series 7 Treasure Book has some awesome new items in it! Here are all of the Club Penguin Cheats for the Series 7 Treasure Book.

Those are all of the Club Penguin hidden item cheats for the Series 7 Club Penguin Treasure Book! Are you going to unlock a Club Penguin Series 7 Coin Code? If you are, let me know what items you are going to unlock! Also, be sure to tell me what you think about the new Series 7 Treasure Book on Club Penguin!
(Sorry no pics)